Skin Cancers Specialist

All Island Dermatology
Dermatology and Cosmetic Center located in Garden City, NY & Glen Cove, NY
Skin cancer is the most prevalent type of cancer in America today. In fact, more people are diagnosed with skin cancers than all other cancers combined. At All Island Dermatology in Garden City and Glen Cove, New York, the team of board-certified providers diagnose and treat skin cancers including melanoma, basal cell carcinoma, and squamous cell carcinoma. If you’re concerned about skin cancer, call or make an appointment online today.
Skin Cancers Q & A
What are the different types of skin cancer?
Basal cell carcinoma, squamous cell carcinoma, and melanoma are the most common types of skin cancer.
Basal cell carcinoma
Basal cell carcinomas are uncontrolled, abnormal cells that develop in the basal cells in the deepest layers of your skin. They look like sores, or red or pink growths, and are typically due to sun exposure. While basal cell carcinomas are the most common type of skin cancer, they rarely spread to other cells or organs.
Squamous cell carcinoma
Squamous cell carcinomas develop in the squamous cells in the outermost layer of your skin. They usually look like open sores, warts, or scaly, red patches of skin. Squamous cell carcinoma is typically caused by sun exposure, and if left untreated, can cause disfigurement or death.
Melanoma is less common than basal cell or squamous cell carcinoma, but much more dangerous because the cancer cells are likely to metastasize, which means they spread to other tissue in your body. Melanomas look like abnormal moles and develop as mutations in your melanocyte cells.
What are the symptoms of skin cancer?
Skin cancer looks like abnormal skin growths. For example, they may look like sores or ulcers that don’t heal or raised red bumps. Melanomas are identified by their ABCDEs.
- Asymmetry (one side doesn’t match the other)
- Border irregularity
- Color that isn’t uniform
- Diameter greater than 6 millimeters
- Evolving size, shape, color
A normal mole is usually smaller than the eraser of a pencil, perfectly round, and brownish color. Melanomas are abnormally shaped with poorly defined borders. They continue to grow and change, often becoming large with irregular colors.
How is skin cancer diagnosed?
The team at All Island Dermatology diagnose skin cancer with an exam and biopsy procedures. They examine your skin carefully, and if your provider sees a growth that could be cancerous, they take a biopsy. A biopsy is a small sample of cells which are examined for cancer cells.
How is skin cancer treated?
In most cases, the team at All Island Dermatology treats skin cancer by removing it. The providers offer a variety of excision procedures ranging from cryotherapy and laser treatment to advanced micrographic Mohs surgery procedures.
If you’re concerned about skin cancer, call All Island Dermatology or schedule a consultation and skin exam online today.
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